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How to Lock Lips on a Second Date

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Wondering how to lock lips on a second date? It all starts with getting a second date in the first place, so please do not ignore how important the first date is. This article is broken into two parts. Part 1 is “acting right on the first date so you get a second date.” Part 2 is “How to lock lips on a second date.”

Part 1: Acting right on the first date so you get a second date

A lot of guys just “” when it comes to the all important first date. “I’ll just be myself” is what they say. Then they wonder why the girl that enthusiastically accepted date 1 is all of a sudden cold and distant when it comes to trying to go out again.

Here are some rules of thumb for a first date (and actually, ALL your dates with her).

1. Be a gentleman by holding her chair, opening her car door, and for gosh sakes, don’t eye up other women when you’re out with her. Also, keep your eyes focused on hers, and not, er, lower, if you know what I mean.

Also, keep the date around 2-3 hours. There is no sense in trying to have an 8 hour date. You will just wear each other out and you don’t have enough time in with her to survive that kind of togetherness. Ever hear the statement “familiarity breeds contempt?” Early on this is so true.

You have to spoon feed yourself to her so she is always anticipating the next time you will get together. Dating women is a marathon, NOT a sprint.

2. Don’t talk about how you think the world is going to end in 2012. Maybe you buy into all that calendar stuff but a date is not the appropriate place for that or any other “serious” topics. Save the serious stuff for a philosophy class. Always keep things light and funny with her.

3. Grabbing is good when you’re on a game show trying to get as many balls in your hands within a minute to win a big prize. Grabbing is not good on the date with her. I get that you’re attracted to her but only know she knows when the right time for you to touch is. Do not put your arm around her, try get her to sit on your lap, rub her shoulders or anything else. I hear from so many women that guys that get in their space too soon TURN THEM OFF. If she wants to brush your arm or leg while laughing, cool. But you stay backed off of her!

Also, her touching you like that is a sign she likes you. You’ll never get that sign if you get in her space and have your paws all over her. You’d leave the date wondering if she was touching you because she liked you or if she was trying to get away from you!

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