Our eyes are one of the organs in the body that respond very positively to the right nutrition. Therefore, in order to promote healthier eyesight it is necessary to eat the right foods that are good for the eyes. This enables us to increase our eyesight and fight or reduce the incidence of eye diseases which are a major concern in the United States. A good example of a food that is often overlooked in terms of its role in improving eye health is the Pear. Pears consist of Vitamin wwwcbdbossus, Potassium and small sources of other nutrients such as Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin B6 and Folate to name a few. More importantly, in terms of vision nutrients, this fruit also includes carotenoids, flavonols and anthocyanins. This eye food is also an excellent source of fiber and vitamin C making it one of the healthiest foods in the world. Some of the general health benefits of pears include better heart health, diabetes prevention and cancer prevention to name a few. Therefore, here are some good reasons to make pears an integral part of your healthy diet:
Vision health benefits of Pears: The thin skin in pears consists of phenolic phytonutrients (these are defined as antioxidants that provide protection against the damaging effects of free radicals on healthy eye cells. This nutritional property increases eyesight and also cleanses the kidneys. When we think about pears we think about a delicious fruit that we can savor particularly on a very hot summer day. However, few of us are aware of the fact that pears also consist of eye friendly nutrients called carotenoids. These are described as the pigmentation in plants that give fruits and vegetables their green, red, orange, yellow or purple colors. The pear is an example of a good food to improve your vision due to the fact that it is classified as a Carotenoid. These types of eye foods play an essential role in increasing the health of the macula in the eyes, (the part of the eyes located in the center of the retina that helps us read fine print and also sharpens our eyesight).
Better Heart health: Pears consist of fiber which is linked with improving heart health by reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Research studies suggest that regular consumption of pears in your diet can help to reduce your risks for heart disease by 50%. The potassium content in this eye food to improve eyesight also helps to reduce blood pressure levels.
Lowers Blood Sugar Levels: This particular food is a good example of a low glycemic index food due to the fact that it is considered to be a fruit that prevents a spike in blood sugar levels when eaten. Therefore, if you have concerns related to diabetes, or desire to get your blood sugar levels under control, this is an ideal food to include in your diet. Furthermore, the fiber contained in this food slows the absorption of carbohydrates which also prevents a spike in blood sugar levels.